January 6 – 26

We begin this new season seeking spiritual breakthrough in our life, in our church, and in our communities. We do this through 21 days of prayer & fasting as we intentionally seek God’s will so that we can recognize the power of God doing something new in our lives.


  • Begins January 6: Commit to prayer and fasting with us for 21 days as we seek spiritual breakthrough in our lives.

  • Daily Devotionals: Join us weekdays January 6-26 in the Be Hope App for a time of devotional and prayer together.

  • Gathered Prayer:  Join us Tuesday evenings on January 7, 14, and 21 at 6:30pm for a time of worship and prayer. We will come together as a church to worship and pray expecting God to do something new.


  • Begins January 6: Commit to prayer and fasting with us for 21 days as we seek spiritual breakthrough in our lives.

  • Daily Devotionals: Join us weekdays January 6-26 in the Be Hope App for a time of devotional and prayer together

  • Gathered Prayer: Join us Tuesday evenings on January 7, 14, and 21 at 6:30pm for a time of worship and prayer. We will come together as a church to worship and pray expecting God to do something new.


Prayer is our communion and communication with God. Every time we pray God draws us closer to himself.

In 21 days, we deliberately seek for God to move in our lives. We trust he will and we know he will strengthen our relationship with him.

There are many ways to pray – you can have a conversation with God as you would with a friend, you can write your prayers down in a journal, or you can even incorporate prayer into your daily routines. Moves of God begin with great expectation of God through prayer. We encourage you to pray big, bold, specific prayers.

If you don’t know where to begin in prayer you can begin with scripture. Everyday you will be given a scripture that you can say as a prayer or you could begin with the Lord’s prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13.


Fasting is denying yourself something in order to hear from God. You can fast from food, television, social media, etc..

When we choose to purposefully abstain from something for a time, our dependence upon God grows.

When groups of people fast together, at, let’s say a church like Be Hope, we can expect God to move in new ways as we seek his will for our church and over our lives.