Have you settled into life? Have a routine, and it works. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with having a routine and in many cases, it helps us have a focus in life. And honestly, most of life includes routine. (Get up, work, play, eat, sleep, repeat)

  • What if the routine you have settled into isn’t God’s plan for your life? What do you recognize needs to change in your life?
  • How can you know what God’s purpose is for your life? What is your way of discovering God’s will and purpose?
  • Have you ever asked God what is the purpose and plan for your life? “We put our plans together and ask God to bless them” Madi Prewett

In Genesis 17, we read about Abraham (formally known as Abram) and his encounter with God. The Lord appeared to him at age 99 and spelled out his plan and purpose for Abraham’s life. Not only did God change their names (Sarai became Sarah) but he also promised them a son and named him too! It would be great to have God give us the details for our future, wouldn’t it? And yet, God has done this very thing through the Word, The Bible, and through our relationships and experiences in life.

  • What are some of God’s promises that you have claimed for your life? How has your life been changed by your belief in God?
  • Are you holding onto something that isn’t from God? Tired of hoping that something will change so you cling to the old way? Have you asked for help-from God or others?

The lie that many people believe is ‘nothing is going to change’, which persists by not taking a risk to do something different, digging into the rut we will call our life. We can find fulfillment, meaning and purpose by discovering what God has for us. The average life expectancy in the USA is 78.6 years. Some will live longer and some shorter- and all have been created by God for His purpose.

    • How will you spend the years allotted for you by God? We were made for relationship and have a great impact on others. Perhaps you have unforgiveness and resentment keeping you isolated- will you begin today by making a choice to forgive and move forward?
    • What is keeping you from experiencing ALL that God has for you? Are you experiencing fear of the unknown? Anxiety from past failure? Or are you believing the lie that you don’t have value or worth?
    • Do you feel like you have gone too far, made too many mistakes, and have lost hope for a better future? Spend some time focused on the promises of God and begin to know the truth for your future. Deuteronomy 31:8; Psalm 32:8; Psalm 37: 23-24; Isaiah 40:31; Jeremiah 29:11; Matthew 11:28-29; John 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10; Philippians 4:6-9 (just to name a few! You can search online for ‘God’s promises’ and find more!)

We were made for more, but we settle for less than God’s best. We settle when life gets hard, confusing and we get scared, or we want total control. Let’s make room for God’s best in our life and experience the best and testify how God provided for us, loved us and was faithful throughout all our days!