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Team Night is created to develop you into your calling. God has called us all to lead where we are. Whether that’s in our homes, our schools, our jobs or here at church; God has gifted each and every one of us uniquely. So Team Night is leading leaders, like you, to do life with intentionality.

On Sunday, May 3 at 7pm, we’re incredibly excited to have VJ Williams, Be Hope Online Pastor, bring us Part 2 of Kingdom Creators.

Why its Important::
Team Night isn’t just another ministry or program. Team Night is for the intentional purpose of coming together to learn as leaders and understand each of our value in moving the mission of Be Hope Church forward. To empower passionate people to live out their purpose! Don’t miss this Sunday evening as tons of valuable and new information will be shared!

How to Participate:: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84625929027

Webinar ID:: 846 2592 9027

Are you part of Hope Team yet? Live your purpose with passion! Sign up below.

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