A First Church champion is someone who gives generously in order to champion the faith of others by leading them into a new relationship with Jesus Christ. A First Church Champion believes in the Mission of our church and gives generously to God by financially supporting the vision of Be Hope Church by giving a scheduled, weekly gift through our online giving platform.
Sign up to become a 1st Church Champion today and we’ll send you a “Champions Coin” to thank you, and remind you of the eternal impact of your generosity

Gift your Cryptocurrency
- You can gift your appreciated coin to a Donor Advised fund
- You can then transfer your gift directly to Be Hope Church
Gift your Stock
- You can gift appreciated stock using a donor advised fund
- You can then transfer your gift directly to Be Hope Church
When we give, there is more going on than simply a financial donation. In Matthew 6:21, Jesus says, “For where your treasure is there your heart will be also.” He shows us that when we give we are directing our heart. What we give to determine what we care about. Jesus wants you to be personally invested in his church, and one of the best ways to do that is by being financially invested in his church.
We don’t simply give to the church, we give through the Church. The Church is making an impact through meeting needs, helping others, and giving people hope through a relationship with Jesus. When we give through the church we are making an immediate impact in our local community, a global impact through the financial donations of Be Hope Church to important work around the world, and an eternal impact in heaven.
Tithing is a way to worship God, because it shows Him that we trust His provision in our lives. “Tithe” means ten percent, which is the portion of our income that we give to God to say thank you for all He has given us. God doesn’t need our money, He wants our trust, and trusting Him with our finances is a great way to demonstrate our dependence on Him. We believe in tithing as an expression of our faith; but we also acknowledge the reality of many people’s current financial situation. Our encouragement if you are not able to tithe, is to create a plan for how you plan to support Be Hope Church financially by picking a percentage you feel led to give; and seeking to increase that percentage over time.