Worship Leading Basics
Block 1 // 3 Weeks
- Worship administration (Planning Center, Scheduling, Audition Process training)
- Vision Casting and Team Communication
- How to Run a Rehearsal (Vocal and/or Instrumental)
- Team Organization and Structure (Team Leads, Roles, Vocal & Instrumental Teams)
- Budgeting and Setting Goals
- Creating rhythms for personal discipleship
Technology and Gear
Block 2 // 5 Weeks
- Ableton Training (building clicks for live use on a weekend)
- Building Loops and Tracks
- Running service as an MD
- Sound Boards and Stage Setups
- Gear 101
- Mixing In Ears, Room Audio, and Livestream Audio
Worship Leading and Pastoring
Block 3 // 4 Weeks
- Lead Worship for weekend services
- Organize and review services with the Planning Team
- Run rehearsal for the weekends scheduled
- Review services with Planning Team
- Meet with Team Members
- Develop Team Members and give feedback for improvement
- Serve as Discipleship Team Lead for a weekend