1. When the things of life overwhelm you, and challenge your strength, and you ask ‘why’ did this happen or ‘how’ will I get through this or ‘when’ will this end – you will realize that you will need strength beyond your own to endure.
2. The same brain that got you into the mess isn’t going to be the same one that gets you out of the mess.
3. Jesus forgives us in an instant- the workout plan is for us to become more like him in every area of our life. It’s more than just checking off a list but you have to start somewhere until it becomes your way of life.
4. God speaks to us- are we listening? He has provided a plan for our lives that will give us a perspective that is different from the world around us and will equip us to love and serve the world around us. To literally – BE HOPE.
5. You can #FinishStrong because your strength comes from God.