Sermon Title: “The Second Command”

April 28, 2019

When the disciples went to the tomb, they went expecting to find Jesus’ body. They weren’t looking for life even though Jesus told them otherwise. How often do we do the same – carry out our lives knowing where to find life, but we remain among the dead? Our HOPE is in Jesus who defeated death and desires to live within us!

Title: “The Second Command”

The First Command: Come Out. The Second Command: Unwrap Him.

What we put on defines the occasion- for many of us we are dressed for death.

Grave clothes are anything we haven’t deliberately removed that has no business being part of the resurrected life.

Point 1: We are wearing what is restricting.

Grave clothes are great for death, but not for life.

You shouldn’t be wearing that.

Point 2: We resist what we should have been following

They couldn’t receive what should’ve been theirs because they were so intimidated about losing what they didn’t need.

Jesus had to call Lazarus by name because everybody in the grave would have come forth. – DL Moody

Sometimes we close the book, when we were only meant to turn the page. We delivered a eulogy, when it was just meant to be a nap.

If we want a new life, we need to first decide that we are done with the grave clothes.

As you reflect on the message this week, use some of these questions to consider how God might be working within and around you.

Questions for Reflection:

  • In what ways are you dressed for death, still wrapped in grave clothes – perhaps you’re walking around in resentment, guilt, anger, jealousy, or shame?

  • Are you comfortable in these clothes? Have you adjusted and settled into this way of life?

  • How are those things restricting you from fully living, freely?

  • What would happen if you decided to remove the grave clothes? How would this change your relationships, your family, your work, your life?

  • What grave clothes can you remove this week?

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