Sermon Title: “This is my happy face”

December 20, 2020

Title: This is my Happy Face

Numbers 14, Philippians 2:12-17, Revelation 5:1-5

Grumble: Ragan = Whispered Rebellion

The soul that gives thanks can find comfort in everything, the soul that complains can find comfort in nothing. – Hannah Whitall Smith

Joy is a choice, but also a feeling.

Joy is strong enough to not be the only emotion in the room.

Joy will look different on you than it looks on me.

Joy doesn’t always feel and look how you thought it would.

Joy can’t co-exist with ingratitude.

You cannot reap the benefits of a relationship with God and trash God at the same time.

Rejoicing is not the overflow of emotion, rejoicing is the discipline of gratitude directed to the source of our thankfulness.

If you don’t rejoice you’ll lose your joy; if you ever had it to begin with.

Here Comes Heaven” (Elevation Worship)
Children weep no more
Hope is on the horizon
Weary world behold
Your promised Messiah
Angels let your song begin
Here comes heaven
Christ is born in Bethlehem
Here comes heaven
Sinner wait no more
Love has broken the silence
Come let us adore
The Savior is with us
Angels let your song begin
Here comes heaven
Christ is born in Bethlehem
Here comes heaven
Here comes heaven
Now behold his glory
Glory in the highest
All the earth rejoice for Christ is born
Now behold his glory
Glory in the highest
All the earth rejoice for Christ is born
Over all who mourn
Breaks the dawn of salvation
Darkness reigns no more
For Jesus is greater
He is greater
Angels let your song begin
Here comes heaven
Christ is born in Bethlehem
Here comes heaven
Angels let your song begin
Here comes Heaven
All creation worship Him
Here comes Heaven
Here comes Heaven

As you reflect on the message this week, use some of these questions to consider how God might be working within and around you.

Questions for Reflection:

  • Joy is strong enough that you can experience other emotions while also experiencing joy; joy is strong enough to co-exist with other emotions. When have you experienced this in your own life?

  • Where do you see ungratefulness within yourself? Where do you frequently grumble and complain instead of living in joy?

  • “Rejoicing is not the overflow of our emotions, rejoicing is the discipline of gratitude directed to the source of our thankfulness.” Where can you work on practicing gratitude rather than expecting gratitude to just happen? Where do you need to start rejoicing in an effort to maintain or cultivate joy?

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