How To Hold An Egg

March 28, 2021

Title: How to Hold An Egg

Luke 16:1-12, Matthew 10:16, 1 Peter 4:10, Ecclesiastes 3:11

Shrewd: Sharp powers of judgment, astute

Matthew 25:14-29 | Parable of the Talents

Possible interpretations:
– The steward was cheating the master by reducing the size of the debts.
– The steward reduced the debt by the amount of his own commission, which had been included in the debt.
– The steward was padding the bill for his own profits.

Parables were used to make a single point.

The question isn’t: What can I control, or What can’t I do? The question is: What Can I do?

Sometimes the most faithful thing you can do is to keep holding what you can’t fix.

The frustration of Jesus is that we are more shred in business than in our faith.

We take for granted what we had once prayed for.

Do I have to be in control to be willing to play a role?

The Call of God is not to take credit, but to play a part. To do what you can.

You don’t hold your stuff, I don’t hold my stuff, we all hold God’s stuff.

As you reflect on the message this week, use some of these questions to consider how God might be working within and around you.

Questions for Reflection:

  • We all have things in our life that we hold onto. What are some of those things for you? How are you holding onto the things you have? Do you hold them too tight? Are you holding them too loose?

  • What does it mean to steward the things God has given us? How is this different from being shrewd?

  • We are called to be participants in what God is doing. We can’t just sit back and let God do all of the work, but we also aren’t able to take all of the credit. We get the chance to have responsibility without complete authority. Where can this get difficult in our own faith journey?

  • How do you hold “God’s stuff”?

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