
New Here?

Welcome to Be Hope Church in Ironton, OH!

If this is your first time checking us out online, thank you for checking out Be Hope in Ironton, OH!  We would love to have you visit our location in person on a Sunday morning at 11am.  Our space is located in downtown Ironton at 310 S 3rd St (next door to Unger’s Shoe Store).  

Dress is casual and we promise that you will feel right at home with us.  Be Hope Kids provides a space for your pre-k through 5th grade children to learn more about Jesus and engage their faith.  We also have a nursery available for infants and toddlers.

Be Hope Ironton is grateful to have people of all ages and backgrounds represented at Be Hope Ironton.  We’re confident that you’ll fit in here and find this a place that you feel right at home!

We hope to see you soon!  Make sure to stop by our free coffee bar before finding your seat.  Have a great day!

-Pastor Robby

Campus Info

  • Be Hope Church – Ironton meets at 310 S 3rd St, Ironton, Ohio 45638

  • This location will offer worship experiences for both Adults and Kids.
  • Worship experience is typically between 75-85 minutes.

Get Involved

We invite you to get involved! As this mission moves forward Be Hope Church – Ironton will need prayer partners, financial givers, and feet-on-the-ground. Signup today and learn more about how you can be a part of unleashing hope in the city of Ironton, OH!


Ultimate Date Night

April 4 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

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Campus Pastor

Robby Brown

Robby Brown

Robby grew up just down the road from Ironton in South Point, OH. As he completed his degree at Ohio University Southern he began to see the need for a church in Ironton that was actively engaging the greater Ironton community in the life of faith, especially young families and young adults (unfortunately, a largely missing demographic in many churches).

From August 2017 – May 2019, Robby served as the manager for Be Hope Church’s Bridge Cafe, a campus ministry at Wright State University in Dayton. While here, he grew to love the church, its culture, and its passion for unleashing hope in the lives of those around us. During this time Robby was still hoping to eventually return to Ironton to be part of planting a new church that was actively engaging the community.

As time went on, God would open the doors for Be Hope Church to partner with Robby in planting a campus church in the city of Ironton, OH. This partnership provides a foundation for the Ironton Campus as it moves forward to share the hope found in Christ with the community at large.