Title: “Before the Temptation”
2 Thessalonians 3:11
Genesis 3
1 Chronicles 20:1
James 4:17
Proverbs 16:27
The natural rhythm: work–>rest
The distorted rhythm: toil–>leisure
Busybodies: periergazomenous = To overdo, waste my labor, bustle about
Andy Crouch: Strong and Weak: Book Link
Accountability is not your first line of defense
The removal of temptation is nothing compared to the presence of our purpose.
Our laziness is not evidence by the pace of our life but our failure to engage in what truly matters.
If Satan can’t destroy your faith he’ll seek to distract your faith.
Your wandering is rooted in a lie that your life has no meaning.
Meaningful work is physically exhausting, but spiritually fulfilling.