Come At Me

October 30, 2022

Title: Come At Me

OPPOSITION IS THE HARSH REALITY OF OPPORTUNITY. So often in life we think opportunity comes without conflict. In faith, you should anticipate opposition wherever you feel called.

I Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.


As you reflect on the message this week, use some of these questions to consider how God might be working within and around you.

Questions for Individuals/Connect Groups:

  • This week we are talking about opposition while doing what God calls you to do.  Think back on your life, when has there been a time when you have had opposition after trying to be obedient to God? How did you handle it? How did it work out for you? What are some things you learned from it?

  • The backdrop to the book of Nehemiah is the people of God coming “home” and finding a place of worship again. After years of being exiled (kicked out) they were returning “home”. They were rebuilding a new city so they could have a place they knew was theirs.  In the midst of Nehemiah being obedient to God, he finds people (that he was trying to help) turn on him. They create rumors and false accusations. Think about Nehemiah’s perspective. What do you think he might have felt in response to their accusations? How can we relate to him? 

  • Brad talks about the spiritual battle that goes on when we bring healing and restoration to the world. He speaks of the devil losing confidence when we strengthen our faith in God. What are some things that you know God is asking you to strengthen your faith in? How are you responding to that? What are some ways you know you can surround yourself with the right people to complete the “job” God asked you to do?

    Questions for Families:

    • This week we talked about how listening to the Holy Spirit helps build our faith. What are some things you think the Holy Spirit might be telling you?

    • Discuss with your family one of the examples they used in children’s church about the Holy Spirit. How did the flashlight example teach you about the right source? What is the Holy Spirit like?

    • Just as God send the Holy Spirit to help you, he also gives us our parents to help guide you. What are some examples you can think about where your parents helped you build your faith? 


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