January 8, 2023
Title: DTR
Key Points:
- Growing People, grow people. Your growth in God ought to be growing others in God.
- How often is your greatest hesitation with God his lack of clarity?
- If your faith leaves you bored, you’re serving the wrong god!
- The law is also really good of reminding us what we are not.
- Stop defining your relationship with Jesus by what you are not, but by what God says you are through his son.The cross of Jesus is a catalyst, not a crutch.
For Personal Journaling and/or Connect Groups:
- Defining the relationship: In the sermon Brad talks about the importance of us expecting commitment where there isn’t clarity. Reflecting over your life, when has there been a time where you felt there was a lack of clarity with God? How did you work that out? How would you feel about the relationship with God his view of you? Brad tells us God doesn’t check a box for us and if we are living a life of faith.
- The law is really good of reminding us what we are not. What is your view of rules and laws? How do you perceive boundaries that were in place for people in the Bible? God gave his people the laws so they would understand the way they were to live different than other cultures around them. What are some ways God has asked you to live differently? How is that working?
- You are saved for a purpose. Brad talks about the value of things worth saving. If this is applied to your life, what are your thoughts when we say you were saved for a purpose? How well do you believe that? Are you able to clearly identify your purpose? At Be Hope we believe people are made for a purpose. We have a class (Hope Unleashed) where we talk about it. If you have taken it, how did that class help you identify it? If you haven’t what has stopped you?
As you reflect on the message this week, use some of these questions to consider how God might be working within and around you.
Questions for Individuals/Connect Groups:
Defining the relationship: In the sermon Brad talks about the importance of us expecting commitment where there isn’t clarity. Reflecting over your life, when has there been a time where you felt there was a lack of clarity with God? How did you work that out? How would you feel about the relationship with God his view of you? Brad tells us God doesn’t check a box for us and if we are living a life of faith.
The law is really good of reminding us what we are not. What is your view of rules and laws? How do you perceive boundaries that were in place for people in the Bible? God gave his people the laws so they would understand the way they were to live different than other cultures around them. What are some ways God has asked you to live differently? How is that working?
You are saved for a purpose. Brad talks about the value of things worth saving. If this is applied to your life, what are your thoughts when we say you were saved for a purpose? How well do you believe that? Are you able to clearly identify your purpose? At Be Hope we believe people are made for a purpose. We have a class (Hope Unleashed) where we talk about it. If you have taken it, how did that class help you identify it? If you haven’t what has stopped you?
- What is something you learned about today in children’s church?
- What was a fun game you played in children’s church?
- What was the story about in church? How did God speak to you?
Questions for Families:
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