Get Your Head Out Of Your Fear
October 2, 2022
FEAR causes DREAD where there should be DESIRE.
Will you serve the God who made you, or serve the fear you’ve made into a god?
GOD creates DESIRE where there should be DREAD
Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness.”
To change the way you think, you have to CHOOSE–to choose is to change. Joshua 25:15 says, “If serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then CHOOSE for yourselves this day whom you will serve…”
“For every path you choose, there is another you must abandoned…” – Joan Vinge
Questions for Individuals/Connect Groups:
This week Brad is talking to us about Joshua telling his people to choose who they will serve. Let’s talk and reflect about the background to the scripture he used. The people Joshua oversaw is called the “Israelites.” They had come from a long line of people who had been oppressed. For over 400 years they had called upon the Lord to save them. He finally does and then they are lead through this wild journey into the wilderness. Their lives were filled dread and delight. They often felt like God wasn’t listening, but instead he was moving. They couldn’t see him move when they were waiting and that caused anxiety. Looking back over your life, when have you felt anxiety over a time of waiting? What did you do while you were waiting? How did that correspond with your trust in God over that period?
Waiting can often bring anxiety over what is to come. Joshua was asking his people to choose who they would serve because they needed to make a decision. What are some decisions you feel God is asking you to make? What is your thought life like as you wait and wrestle with that anxiety?
Spend some time reflecting on those thoughts that make you focus on anxiety. How can they be “countered” with thoughts of God? What are some core beliefs that play into our anxiety? What are some shifts that can take place in order to move you out of that anxiety?
Brad talks about how fear of God can put us in the center of God’s purpose. What is the way in which you see your fears stopping you from doing God’s purpose in your life? Just as the Israelites were needing to move to the promised land, they needed to abandon their fears to discover their purpose. If there was no fear in your life, what would you think God would ask you to do? Why are you not doing it? Where is God in all of that?
This week in children’s ministry you learned you can trust Jesus even when it is scary. Spend a couple of minutes talking to your family member about things that scare you.
Think about what God says about fear. Spend some time talking about what Joshua says and what he told the Israelites. What was their first response? What do we often do when we are scared?
What are some ways we can turn our fears over to God? What are some things that we know God wants us to do when we are afraid? Make a list of things that God has helped you with, see if you can add to it throughout the list. Then put some things you are waiting God to help you with and see how he helps you throughout the week.
Questions for Families:
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