July 3, 2022
Do you have this overwhelming sense that God is pleased with you? Or, do you constantly feel as though you’re attempting to achieve your way to God’s approval?
There is a fine line between accusation and approval–the voice of God and the voice of satan. If you’re not familiar, you may be confused on who is speaking. The voice of accusation (satan) says, “Because of that, you are, and you can’t!” The voice of approval (God) says, “You are, and because of that, you can!”
God’s approval of you is accredited, not earned. His unconditional approval comes with an unparalleled calling.
Questions for Individuals/Connect Groups:
This week Brad is talking to us about gaining approval. Everyone in life wants someone’s approval at one point or another. Think back on your life. When was it important for you to gain approval from someone? Who was that person/ people? How did it work out for you when you got their approval? Did the need for their approval end or was it ongoing? Where did it lead you?
Read Mark 1:9-11. In verse 11 it states that God is saying he is well pleased with Jesus. Why do you think this mattered at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry? Who was there to witness this event? (Read verse Mark 1:5 to find the answer.) Why does it matter that people were there to witness this event for Jesus?
When we see other people get baptized, we do it in a public setting. As opposed to praying, baptism is done in front of others and in participation with others. What elements do we share with Jesus’ baptism when we do this publicly? Why should we be declaring this around others? Whose approval are we seeking when we get baptized? Why do we sometimes struggle with doing things in a public setting?
Brad talks about the accuser attacking our identity so he can attack our purpose. What are some ways you have felt your identity attacked in the past 12 months? How has that affected your purpose? On the flip side God tells us our identity is in HIM and HE is well pleased with us. In reflecting on HIS unconditional love and approval, how should that change the way we live? Does your life indicate you are listening to the accuser or to God? Would those around you see your identity in Christ (approval by God) be the thing that makes you different? Or do you act the same as everyone around you?
Today in church you learned about God shining through you when you listen to God’s voice. What are some things we can do to make listening to God’s voice easier for us to hear?
Sometimes we have things that happen to us that make it harder to hear God’s voice. We can have lots of distractions that prevent us from hearing from God. What are some of those things that can distract us?
They talked about having opportunities to share God’s love with others when we listen to HIM. Can you think of any time recently where you had an opportunity to share God with others?
How do you think we should act when those around us need God’s light in their lives? Have you done this recently? If not, say a little prayer to ask God to see those times in your day so you know when he needs you to share HIS light with others.
Questions for Families:
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