Time For Change
September 18, 2022
What dominates your thoughts is what determines your direction. Most of our thoughts are filled with unending negativity and self-deprecating identity. You were not meant to live in the rut–the pattern–the groove this world places upon you. You were meant to experience the freedom Christ offers you by how you think. YOU ARE what YOU THINK! It’s time to CHANGE your mind. How do YOU CHANGE the way you think…
2 Corinthians 10:5 – We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
C urious about the feels
H andle on the stronghold
A pply God’s truth
N ever provide the stronghold space
G ive it over (to Jesus)
E xperience freedom
As you reflect on the message this week, use some of these questions to consider how God might be working within and around you.
Questions for Individuals/Connect Groups:
This week are talking about how to change what you think. Brad said, “What dominates your thoughts is what determines your direction.” What are some things that dominate your thought life? How does this impact your direction? We all have thoughts and feelings that propel us to our goals. Look back on your life and identify old thoughts that pointed you to goals you accomplished. How did that work out for you?
Brad uses a few scriptures that help us create this change. Let’s look at the Corinthians passage (2 Corinthians 10:5). The word pretension means something that is an allegation (could be untrue). If we apply this to our thought life, what are some things that you have thought about that can be untrue about God? For example, some people think they might be unlovable. Some think they are loved based on performance. Are those statements true or untrue (according to what you know)?
Brad also spoke about how sometimes it is our own thoughts that can paralyze us and stop us from cutting in on you. What are some of the thoughts that are trying to control you? Spend time writing the negative thoughts down. Then look up Romans 12:2, and explain what that scripture means to you.
Let’s dig into the scripture above. In the original language they used a phrase that meant we weren’t supposed to ley the world decide what you are going to be like. Paul, the author of Romans, was telling us to not shape shift based on the world’s standards. In what ways have you allowed the world to influence your thoughts? Now pray and ask God to give you wisdom on which things are from the world and which you need transformed.
This week in children’s church, you learned that God helps us to control our thoughts. We heard about the story of Paul and Silas when they were put in jail. How did they stay focused on God? What did they do when they were stuck in jail? (Hint: read the question below)
How did Paul and Silas’ praying and singing songs help keep them focused on God during a hard time? What are some other things they could of done instead of focusing on God?
Think about something in your life that was hard for you to go through. What was a thought that came easily to you during that difficult time? Was that thought where you needed to put your focus on?
Now spend some time in prayer with your family member and ask God to help you when your focus is off. It’s normal for us to need to train our minds to do this. During the next week if this happens, remember how praying and praising God changes our focus.
Questions for Families:
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