How to Have it All

September 5, 2021

Title: How to Have It All

Deuteronomy 24:19-22, Luke 12:13-21, Matthew 4:8-10, Matthew 28:19, John 14:6, 1 Corinthians 10:23, Matthew 6:33

One of the greatest obstacles to our growth in faith is when the commands of God come in contrast with out desires.

The “all” you want to have is determined by what you most deeply desire.

How you get what you want changes what it is.

The life you want is in Jesus, but the life is found this his way.

Virtue is developed during the journey, not at the destination.

Some appetites need to be fed, others held in check, others starved.

Not every desire leads to the life I desire.

I’m seeking first, I have it all.

I don’t have to get blessed, I am blessed. Living in the favor of my Heavenly Father
My praise will be louder than my need, my God has made me well.
What is have is always enough for God to move, he is more than enough for all I need.
Rules are not my Savior, Rebellion is not my answer, I will cling to God alone.
I put his name on it, his purpose in it, His glory over it.
In plenty or in want. I am blessed, I will celebrate.
What I catch, I throw. Nothing is withheld.
I won’t pretend, I persevere, I’m coming back to Jesus.
The rain’s coming, and I’m ready.
Because this will work towards my sanctification, as I do the work of reconciliation.
I am Blessed so I will always invest.
I am seeking his Kingdom first so I have it all.

As you reflect on the message this week, use some of these questions to consider how God might be working within and around you.

Questions for Reflection:

  • Sometimes it is easy to see Jesus as the “Fun Police” or the Debby Downer. Where have you seen Jesus as an obstacle for what you want? Where have you found your desires not lining up with God’s?

  • We struggle with greed to the extend that we always think the finish line is right around the corner that never actually comes. Where are you struggling with greed and desires? Where are you seeking more with no limits?

  • You get to control what comes first in your life, what your priority is going to be. Where do you need to realign and place your faith and God’s desires first within your own life?

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